The NO U Killer

So, it was another peaceful day of scanning and banning through the chatroom I created. Just the normal deal. Flamewars, ODers, and just plain annoying people. Then something caught my eye. I copied the entire chat so you can read the full story. Just a warning... IT. IS. CREEPY.
monkeyman1337: hey have you heard the news some guy died
idontcare6969: aww that's sad
monkeyman1337: yeah they said it was the work of... well, you know...
idontcare6969: no i don't know
monkeyman1337: you seriously have no idea?
idontcare6969: noooooooo....
monkeyman1337: Okay, I'm going into proper grammar mode.
monkeyman1337: Yeah, it is. His name is the "NO U Killer"
idontcare6969: wow what does he do
monkeyman1337: He goes onto chatrooms like this one, talks for a bit and uses the phrase "NO U" a lot, then hacks people's computers to find their locations...
idontcare6969: well...?
monkeyman1337: Oh sorry I had to piss. And then... they show up brutally murdered and on the news!
idontcare6969: wow scary
monkeyman1337: Yeah, let's just hope he doesn't come here.
iamtotallynottheNOUkiller: what's up guys?
idontcare6969: ha ha very funny monkey, you really hit the nail on the head with the fake user
monkeyman1337: Uh... that's not me.
iamtotallynottheNOUkiller: NO U!
idontcare6969: OH SHIT
1 day after reading this, the user idontcare6969 was found dead with the words "NO U" carved on his chest. I went on the chatroom myself to permaban this guy. He deleted his account and left only the message "Did I kill myself? NO, U! ;)" on his page. I shut down the chatroom forever. The NO U Killer continued to kill people until he was finally caught. His real name was Spooky Scary and he was sentenced to live in his own poo. The end.